Part Time Americans - Full Time Hornets

I have been sifting through the Health Care Bill. Giving my eyes a moment to uncross themselves a thought came to me. All throughout the Bill are references to full time employees. The requirement for employers to provide coverage to full time employees and their families. Also the requirements for all Americans to get coverage. There are provisions for those making under a set amount in income to recieve credit from the government to aid in the purchase of the health insurance, but few people will be exempt from it.

Would it be a shock to us, if businesses large and small simply reduced the hours of their employees to no longer have as many "full time" employees as they had, and add to their ranks a larger pool of "part time" employees? That would get businesses off the hook. What about the workers? If you think times are bad now with high unemployment, wait to see what they are like when the hard working back bone of society is reduced to part time employment. The upside is that unemployment would go down. I don't know anymore if this is good or bad but more people would qualify for public assistance. I just can't recall any country that did very well with more people riding the wagon instead of helping to pull the wagon.

Most people already living paycheck to paycheck will have to drop services they can live without. Entertainments, Communications, Personal Services, etc. I would expect more people will have to get that second job. Might have to use more public transportaion which is good for the environment. Car sales and energy use will go down. Don't worry about who is going to take care of your children while you are working those 2 jobs or standing in the welfare line, this administration will come up with some solution for your own good and those of your children. They are going to take good care of us.

Hope and Change. There is more "hope" now than I have seen in my whole life. People are on their knees praying and "hoping" their prayers are heard. Hope that this is just a nightmare that we will awake from. Hope that the people that voted us into this mess will wake up and help vote us out of this mess. Of course there are those squeeling young girls that are still hoping that Obama is going to give them groceries and put gas in their car.

This administration has touched all of our lives. Lets call it what it is. A hornet's nest. Its been stirred up. No matter how small and "stupid" the hornet is, you cant persuade it to just calm down and go back into the nest. Hornets don't give up either. I have seen enough Mutual of Omaha's Animal Kingdom to know that you get enough hornets on you, and they can really put a screeching halt to your "Change".


Donovan Baldwin said…
You keep hitting nails on the head, my dear. If it is "free enterprise" then it is free to cut full time workers in favor of more, but less expensive, full time workers. I have done a lot of budgets that included pay, and employer's income tax matching, and social security, and benefits. No company, or government office, for that matter, just pays people a salary.

Good work, Proud of you.

Donna said…
Saw on the news recently that several large businesses are thinking about dropping their healthcare completely. The $2000 fine they would have to pay per employee is much cheaper than the $6000 to $8000+ they are paying for health coverage now. Obama and his people knew this would happen. Its what they really want.

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