Remembering the Alamo

I was not born in Texas but as the bumper sticker says I got there just as fast as I could. Even before I got to Texas I had learned of the Alamo. The Alamo's fame extends well beyond the Texas border. Texas is a big state and I love the people of Texas. I enjoyed living in Texas for over 20 years and of course made the pilgrimage to San Antonio to see this famous landmark. The story of the Alamo is a monument to the courage of a small group of people that held fast their position even though they were significantly outnumbered. I feel it might be less important that they won or lost this battle. The thing that impresses me is that they had the backbone to face overwhelming odds. When you visit the Alamo the first thing that strikes you is how small the building is. For a brief moment you are slightly stunned that so much fame surrounds such a small building. I suppose growing up on TV and movies I expected something more grand and imposing. In fact if you hang around the front of the Alamo for about 30 minutes you will probably hear people saying "Its so small" and in several languages. Then it sinks in that it was not the physical size or grandeur of this spot that gave it such fame, rather it was the size and grandeur of the human spirit that stood its ground that day.

The true American spirit is being tested again. Think of our Constitution as the Alamo and the overwhelming forces surrounding it to overthrow it is the strong arm tactics of the Obama administration through Pelosi and guided by George Soros in shoving the wrong kind of health care reform down our throats. This is not about health care, this is about transforming America and they have to lay the foundation down before they can turn this country into a progressive's paradise. There is a small band of true Patriots standing fast their position to defend the Constitution process because it is the right thing to do.

This is a very important moment in American history. I don't know if it will be recalled as the beginning of the end for the America envisioned by our founding fathers or a reminder of how close we nearly came to losing it. A bigger battle than this will follow either way. Yet here, this moment in time a very very big thing is happening and no matter how hard the Obama administration tries to marginalize the people that he sees standing in his way, history will judge him and I doubt he will be remembered as a hero and I don't think he cares.


Donovan Baldwin said…
As I told you on the phone a little while ago. This is a very professionally written and passionate article. Please write more like this...and come home soon!

Your husband, Don

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