Trust the Process

The President signs the new health care bill into "law" today. I am watching him speak in a room full of smiling and cheering supporters. Elsewhere in the real world the feelings might not be so jubilant. Most Americans did not really want this specific legislation passed although the consensus was that reform was needed, just not this drastic. I don't think it is a misrepresentation to say that for every cheer and smile in that room there is a groan and frown elsewhere. For every proclamation of sunshine and roses there is a moan of doom and despair. I pray for those that feel the most anger and grief over this turn of events to trust the process.

Trust that you are not alone in your feelings and there is a process in place where the Constitutionality of this legislation will be challenged. Trust that the people that passed this bill will be held accountable at the very least in the voting booth. Trust in your fellow Americans. We can get through this. Encourage each other to refrain from vicious verbal attacks or acts of violence. I mention violence because I remember how angry the public was against the government at the time of the Oklahoma City bombing. Let me remind you that the anger then was no where near as hot as it is presently.

Its not just that I am unhappy with this legislation, but I am genuinely concerned for the safety of those that are behind it. So I am especially troubled fearing that some unbalanced person is going to try a Timothy McVeigh. We must remain united as Americans even if we disagree with this legislation to affirm our abhorrance of violence and reaffirm our belief in each other, the process and for those inclined to do so, pray.


Donovan Baldwin said…
Once again, I am so proud and impressed. You write so well!!

Your Husband...and proud of it.

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