
Showing posts from February, 2008

Where Will You Be Buried When You Die?

Once upon a very long time ago there was a man trying to convince his listeners about how sincere and devoted he was to their needs and to convince them that he was one of them even though he had been new to their group. After much persuasive eloquence he paused just long enough to give one of his listeners, an old man, a chance to ask him this question, “Where will you be buried when you die?” I don’t know of very many questions that he could ask the speaker to reveal where his heart really was. When trying to face difficult choices I will try to find ways to use this technique and modify it for the situation at hand. The choices we make in this election year would be a good place for this way of thinking. If you don’t follow me, let me put it this way. Pretend we are traveling on a long journey for the next four years and there will be no turning back. The last four years with the current guide was pretty much a disaster and we really want to get it right this time. We need to hire a

Modern Day Heroes

I watched the State of the Black Union today. It is a good thing I am typing this instead of trying to speak the words. I am so moved by the fine people I heard speak today, that I am sure I would not be able to complete my sentences. We are so lucky in this country to have these heroes of a just and righteous cause of fairness and equality for all. They might not have super human powers but they do have keen observation, straightforward speech, thoughtful solutions and deep heart felt devotion. I find so much comfort in their vision for the future. They have my utmost respect and deepest gratitude.

Rock, Paper, Scissors Part II

How does this sound? McCain (rock) really needs for Clinton (scissors) to win the Democratic nomination. Obama (paper) really needs McCain's less enthusiastic supporters. The New York Times needs to "put up" or "shut up". The type of story they recently released could hurt McCain's campaign and help Obama's campaign. I don't think Obama wants those kinds of votes and I sure hope that is not what the New York Times was trying to accomplish. What do you think?

Rock, Paper or Scissors?

This childs game could be used to describe the major 3 presidential candidates that are left in the race for '08. I came to this conclusion today after listening to the news analyze the latest polls. Could Sen. McCain beat one of the Democratic candidates easier than the other one? I think so. Does one of the Democratic candidates have a better chance of beating Sen. McCain? Probably. The problem is that no matter which angle you look at, all three seem to have strengths that cannot be easily ignored and weaknesses that are not easily dismissed. Some people will vote 'for' the strengths, and some people will vote 'against' the weakness. I wonder if these people could also be the types that see a glass of water as "half full" (voting for a perceived strength) or the types that see a glass as "half empty" (voting against a perceived weakness). So how does someone like me vote? I see the glass as "too big"! Copasetic Coma time!

Where is the Panic?

Remember the good ole days when tainted food happened so seldom that when it did happen there was shock and panic runs on the stores? Food recalls happen now with such frequency one does not know what to eat. Today's poll on CNN news showed that 84% of us do not believe our food supply is safe. Why are we so doubtful? After all, Westland Meat Co. is assuring us that they are cooperating completely with the authorities. At this very moment no stone is being left unturned to root these packages of meat out of the food supply chain. Another point should be made that it is being reported that most of the potentially harmful meat has already been consumed. Now, don't you feel better? By the way, how do you feel? Copasetic Coma time!


I watched an interesting show last night about the possibility of genetically engineering a dinosaur. I don't knock the important research, but I wonder about the end results. It might be interesting to have a live dinosaur to study, but is it necessary? Maybe I am jumping to conclusions but I can't help but envision a future where Mr. Moneybags is not content with his fast car, big house and vicious guard dogs. He will get his hands on a dinosaur, chain it up and just be the same nuisance to society he was but just on a grander scale. Pity the police officers called to the home to notify the owner of this dinosaur that it was roaring too loud, too late at night. Maybe there needs to be legislation to ensure that only research facilities are allowed to own one. I am not sure how hard it is to qualify as a research facility but somewhere in that mix it is bound to happen that the dinosaur will be taught to perform on command to the delight of the crowds all for a good cause of c

Clemency for Clemens

What kind of a man sells out his wife? What kind of a wife lets a man that is not her husband into her bedroom without her husband’s knowledge to inject her stomach with HGH? Just because we don’t understand these behaviors does not mean that there were not dire reasons for them or that they did not happen as claimed. It might have dawned on the Clemens by now that these types of things tend to freak most people out. Were they ever in touch with main stream opinions and behaviors or just slowly erode their standards to a point that they no longer resemble the people they started out as.? I think the Clemens are good people that may have lost their way just a bit. People with fame and fortune tend to attract people that leech off of them. These same leech type employees of the rich and famous will often ingratiate themselves to their rich and famous bosses in ways that are not always in the best interest of everyone concerned. They were all consenting adults to the situations they place

Cardinal Cheneyleau?

Vice Pres. Cheney wants the CIA to be exempt from a ban on torture. I don’t know why he even bothers to ask. These things keep occurring, being exposed, denied, evidence destroyed, etc. Perhaps asking for it officially is the most honest course of action. Can we handle that much truth? I once read the Dumas book, The Three Musketeers. Somewhere in that story is a part where the Cardinal Richelieu writes and signs a letter of consent that is so vague that no matter what the bearer of the letter has done, he can claim it was authorized. Since it was so vague, the Cardinal would not be held responsible either. It may seem a silly approach to such a serious subject, but you tell me. Isn’t that what this is really all about? Getting results without accountability? Copasetic Coma time!

Huckabee is right

Huckabee is right at least regarding the votes in the state of Washington. The Washington State Republican Party Chairman Luke Esser called the election as going to McCain with only a little over 87% of the precincts reporting. McCain's 25% to Huckabee's 23% was just too slim of a margin. I am not a mathematician, but even I can see that is just too close to call. Oops Mr. Esser. I think this calls for a recount don't you? I don't think Mr. Esser meant anything underhanded by what he did, but a speedy fix is in order. Mr. Esser can still redeem himself by what he says and does in the next few days. I would like to think that Mr. Esser would just naturally feel obliged to fix things, but the stakes are so high. I hope he understands the necessity for Governor Huckabee to make sure he does.

McCain's Voting Record

I have heard that McCain had missed more than half the votes in the Senate. I prefer to get my own facts, so I checked out the most prominent website for this information: But how credible is this information? The Washington Post is owned by Sun Myung Moon (pardon me for not calling him Reverend, but my religious convictions forbid it). That concerns me. Is their reporting influenced by this man? So I checked out another site: I am glad I did. Yes it seems the Washington Post is right (sorry to be so suspicious). Sen. McCain has missed a significant number of votes since last May. It seems to me he as been a bit occupied since then, um as in RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT! Ok, he will probably not get my vote, but come on folks his voting record is not completely bad (he had the second worst attendence NOT the worst). It should be said that the one who missed the most w

Thank you, Ron Paul

Thank you for trying your best to run for President. You know you have my vote. All I ask is that you keep in mind what is the greater good. You have more than enough money to switch your focus to the Texas Congressional election. Please don't string us along. Just do what you have to do. Give my vote a chance to matter.

The Camel's Nose

To torture or not to torture. This subject just makes my stomach turn. Things I'd rather not know about does not excuse me from the responsibilty to decide where I stand on it. Is there anybody else wrestling with this beside me? So many people put themselves on the line and at least take a stand on this issue. Right or wrong I have to admire their courage. I think I suffer a bit from a double standard. It might be noble to make a proclamation that one is against torture. It might be humane to classify waterboarding as torture. I know the enemies of this country will do all forms of evil against us if given the chance. I also know I want to be protected from these monsters. Its just that camel's nose I worry about. Once the camel's nose is in the tent, the rest of the camel is sure to follow. It could be said that it is a long journey to go from standard accepted interrogation techniques to full fledge torture and everything in between. But isn't there also a saying abo

2 Bad Pennies

The 2 bad pennies that just keep showing up is Chinese espionage and Russian aggression. Just when you think the Cold War is just a fading memory, oops there it is! My biggest concern has more to do with my own country's Jeckal and Hyde personality. We seem to be polarized between those that still have that old knee-jerk reaction to Chinese and Russian dirty tricks and those that just don't see the significance of it. Its not just our country. It seems there are also substantial portions in other countries that also think we over react to these things. Of course they have not had to ask us for any real help since WWII. I really hope this is just a glitch in Chinese and Russian bad behavior but all of us "knee-jerkers" know better than that.

Ron Paul = Bad news for Good people

What a thing to say about a candidate that I support! He says what we need to hear. It hurts just to listen to him put it so simply just how much trouble we are in. He also has solutions. They too will not be entirely pleasant, but the direction we are headed is going to be so much worse unless we change the way we operate. I have heard somewhere that if you keep doing what you've been doing, you will keep getting what you've been getting. Ouch. Sigh. This is probably why he won't make it to the main Election.

McCain ryhmes with pain

I was born and raised in Arizona. I still have family there. I have really tried to warm up to McCain's platform. I always want to take the high road so it must be said that I have to admire someone that always wakes up to a new day. I try not to remember all of his tiny foot in mouth moments. I am certainly just not the kind of constituant he is looking for. I don't blame him that I get a little nervous when a candidate is so "adaptable". His ability to face each moment and adapt could certainly be considered his strong point. I just don't really know when being "adaptable" becomes being a "chameleon". I'll work on it.

Oh, Obama

Just finished listening to Sen. Obama. He could have done so much better. Sadly I must say I was not particularly inspired. He has made some very impressive speeches in the past. I don't want to end this post without a positive spin, so let me add he always looks so nice. (well I tried)

Hillery is on a roll!

I am listening to Sen. Clinton live in Virginia right now. She is really impressing the heck out of me. You go girl!

I am a Ron Paul Supporter

Ok, now that I have said that, now what? I will vote for him in the Primary. I just don't know who I will vote for in the main Election. I don't much like anybody else but I am still angry with the Republican machinery that has gotten us into this mess with Iraq, all the Administration scandals, their defiant attitudes to attempts to hold them accountable and the lies, denials and MISSING DATA. Come on, missing data, emails and photos? Does anybody else get scared at the thought wondering what will become of us if all government agencies from city to county to state level conducted themselves with this same disregard for preserving records. I guess the good news is that there won't be anymore government corruption because there won't be anymore evidence of it. Copasetic Coma time!

Delegate Dilema

It looks like the Democratic Convention will be as exciting as a car wreck. I would rather be spared the impending collision but I have a feeling I won't be able to tear myself away from the TV.