
Showing posts from 2021

Look Away Gentle Soul

Does politics matter? Crusades for righteous causes. Words and deeds. The world is a prism of good and evil. I want an end to child trafficking. I'm with the side taking on this issue with more deeds than words. Some things are just too heartbreaking for tender eyes to see. Horrible truths cannot be unseen. Look away gentle soul. Out of sight is out of mind.

Dying Is Easy

In 2011, there was a flu outbreak that was worse than usual. The media was dutiful in reporting it as such. The public likewise received their flu vaccines. I was one of them. I had always got a flu vaccine. I always had various side effects, but felt it was worth it. Little did I know. If you get a flu vaccine each year, that means each year you are also one year older, an older and older. My health had hit rock bottom during those years, yet I never took that into consideration when getting my flu vaccine. I was civic minded. I was patriotic. I was willing to take a hit to the gut if it meant subjecting myself to inconvenience for the public good. In October of that year, my husband and I went to Walgreens to get our flu vaccine. He is 12 years older than me. He is the one that went up to the pharmacy register to request our vaccines. After a brief wait, we were summoned to a small room and given our vaccine. We went home. By that night I was my typical after shot side effects. Next

What Goes Around, Comes Around

It has been almost 10 years since I felt I had something to say. Maybe it is time to break my silence.