
Showing posts from March, 2010

The Man With The Power

Learned this morning of the FBI arresting members of a religious militia called the Hutaree. I am relieved that these people are being exposed. It is good to see that the FBI was able to stop them before somebody got hurt or killed. Sadly I wonder how many more groups like them that are out there. Don't get me wrong, I do believe in gun rights. In fact I agree with some people that think gun control means using both hands and taking careful aim, however, people like these Hutaree are just plain crazy. Their big mistake was resorting to plans to use guns as a means to protect their concerns. They should have done what the Black Panthers did to the voters at one the the Philadelphia voting places on November 4, 2008. They should have walked around shouting verbal intimidation and sporting a night stick. Of course the naughty men involved in that incident did get into a little bit of trouble. Since it was only just the national election for our President, the nation's Attorney Gen

National Health Care Is What God Wants: Oh Really?

I don't know much about football but I have often heard of the Hail Mary Pass referred to as a desperate act. When I began hearing high profile advocates of Obama's Health Care Reform proclaiming it as "what God wants", I couldn't help but think of that football phrase. Why would they even resort to that? Does anybody believe that any one of those politicians really cares what God wants? Who's God are they referring to? From what holy text do they base their statement upon? I am no expert on the Bible but there is a lot of things we are not suppose to do in that book. Where are amendments to the Health Care Reform bill outlawing those as well? In fact with almost any politically sensitive issue that involves "christian morals", the argument is usually a self righteous and one sided view. I have yet to see Christians throwing out their TV sets and cancelling their cable or satellite services due to all the immoral programs churning out of the entertai

Trust the Process

The President signs the new health care bill into "law" today. I am watching him speak in a room full of smiling and cheering supporters. Elsewhere in the real world the feelings might not be so jubilant. Most Americans did not really want this specific legislation passed although the consensus was that reform was needed, just not this drastic. I don't think it is a misrepresentation to say that for every cheer and smile in that room there is a groan and frown elsewhere. For every proclamation of sunshine and roses there is a moan of doom and despair. I pray for those that feel the most anger and grief over this turn of events to trust the process. Trust that you are not alone in your feelings and there is a process in place where the Constitutionality of this legislation will be challenged. Trust that the people that passed this bill will be held accountable at the very least in the voting booth. Trust in your fellow Americans. We can get through this. Encourage each oth

Remembering the Alamo

I was not born in Texas but as the bumper sticker says I got there just as fast as I could. Even before I got to Texas I had learned of the Alamo. The Alamo's fame extends well beyond the Texas border. Texas is a big state and I love the people of Texas. I enjoyed living in Texas for over 20 years and of course made the pilgrimage to San Antonio to see this famous landmark. The story of the Alamo is a monument to the courage of a small group of people that held fast their position even though they were significantly outnumbered. I feel it might be less important that they won or lost this battle. The thing that impresses me is that they had the backbone to face overwhelming odds. When you visit the Alamo the first thing that strikes you is how small the building is. For a brief moment you are slightly stunned that so much fame surrounds such a small building. I suppose growing up on TV and movies I expected something more grand and imposing. In fact if you hang around the front of