The Man With The Power

Learned this morning of the FBI arresting members of a religious militia called the Hutaree. I am relieved that these people are being exposed. It is good to see that the FBI was able to stop them before somebody got hurt or killed. Sadly I wonder how many more groups like them that are out there. Don't get me wrong, I do believe in gun rights. In fact I agree with some people that think gun control means using both hands and taking careful aim, however, people like these Hutaree are just plain crazy.

Their big mistake was resorting to plans to use guns as a means to protect their concerns. They should have done what the Black Panthers did to the voters at one the the Philadelphia voting places on November 4, 2008. They should have walked around shouting verbal intimidation and sporting a night stick. Of course the naughty men involved in that incident did get into a little bit of trouble. Since it was only just the national election for our President, the nation's Attorney General Eric Holder had their case dropped. I am sure that if those men had bothered to even show up for their own hearing they would have been sternly scolded.

They could also just beat people up like the two huge SEIU members did to a 130 lb. diabetic and recovering leukemia patient Kenneth Gladney in St. Louis on August 6, 2008 at a SEIU meeting. That was a bit more serious and thanks to the carefully calculated punches of the SEIU members, Mr. Gladney did not die. I am sure he will think twice before he voices his views again. AG Eric Holder to the rescue again. Yep, no charges or convictions.

SEIU leader Andy Stern likes to say that the Union will try to "Use the power of persuasion, and if that does not work they will use the persuasion of power". Andy Stern's high ethical standards will serve him well since he was recently appointed to Obama's Debt Panel. I am not sure what he would actually do, but I could see him playing the role of the enforcer that collects for loan sharks. Pay up or else.

All I have to say about that is this:

"You remind me of the man with the power"
"What power?"
"You do"
Who do?"
"Remind me of the man with the power"

We are being swept away in a growing power struggle. This country is so divided right now. The Attorney General Eric Holder needs to apply the law equally to everybody or trust in the process will weaken. We have had decades of government law and education promoting tolerance and I don't see a balanced enforcement of it right now. Maybe AG Holder read George Orwell's book "Animal Farm" and is using it as his playbook. Especially the part that said "All animals are equal,but some animals are more equal than others".


Donovan Baldwin said…
Well said, as always.


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