
Showing posts from 2009

Copasetic Coma Time

A suicide bomber fails to blow up a plane on Christmas and Obama criticizes the below standard efforts of the Intelligence community. A suicide bomber successfully blows himself up in Afghanistan killing members of the CIA and Obama praises the efforts of the Intelligence community. I don't know if it is better to just act like I don't notice double talk or look around and see if anybody else has got the same bewildered look on their face that I have.

CDC: Fighting the Swine Flu with a Crystal Ball

Health officials no longer keeping accurate tally on actual swine flu cases? Link to the article here I hope the CDC and other health officials realize that their credibility comes into question now because of this. I don't doubt that there is a serious swine flu problem but will now hesitate and perhaps even be tempted to second quess their advise. Hopefully there is not some greedy pharmaceutical scheme to create mass hysteria and force the use of the swine flu vaccine. It would be terribly inconvenient to let the "facts" get in the way of their claims.

The Mayans Last Laugh

There is a lot of hype lately about the 2012 Dooms date courtesy of the Mayan Calender. Has anybody even considered the fact that the Mayan Calender is carved into stone. It was a bit more difficult to work with than lets say, a piece of paper! I think after all that carving they simply ran out of room. If a Mayan could just see how silly our "advanced civilization" is, they would probably laugh at us. This is a good example of how our society has lost the ability to think rationally on just about everything. I will stick my neck out here and predict that as the Mayan "Doomsday" date approaches you will see the same "Y2K" hysteria but on a grander scale if that were possible. Start stocking up on toilet paper and water bottles now. I would also recommend stocking up on Fruitcake. Have you ever noticed how long that stuff lasts and how it fills you up like a rock after just one bite? Oh no, I'm running out of room in this Blog space. You know what tha

President Obama and the Magic Eye

Remember not long ago there was a fascination with "Magic Eye" pictures? I admit it took me a long time before I learned to actually see what was hidden in those pictures. At first I was almost convinced that there wasn't anything actually there. I suspected that it was some elaborate hoax and I for one did not want to be duped. Now that our young tender President has somehow managed to win the highly honored Nobel Peace Prize, I can't help but wonder what does the Norwegian Nobel Committee see in our President that I am missing. Whatever it is they see in him, I would like to see it too. I could just stare at his picture and hope that special enlightenment would come to me. That should be easy to do. You see his face everywhere. I would certainly have ample opportunity to gaze into his face til my eyes glazed over. Maybe I would see the "Magic" that so many people have been smitten with. I could listen to his speeches. So many speeches to choose from where

Ye shall know them by their fruits

The Dalai Lama is a warrior of gentle peace and dignity. His weapons are words. I do not understand why President Obama is putting off meeting the Dalai Lama. I do not want to speculate but can't help but see what the priority is here. China is more important. Is that a bad thing? I don't know. If I knew what my country stands for these days perhaps I would not be so confused. It seems that if the issue involves things of personal interest to President Obama, wow, right to the top of the list. If its for something that might reflect well on our nation as a whole, what we used to stand for, what we used to try to be an example of, well, sorry guys, he'll get back to us later on that. He needs to "think" some more about that. Maybe he does. Maybe he just can't figure us out. Maybe he really does not know what to do about a lot of things. At least I have the common sense how to be a proper host to such an honored guest visiting our country. About those "f

A Teaspoon Of Sugar Makes The Medicine Go Down

Now is as good a time as any to put my own opinion into this Health Care Reform issue. I have many loved ones with inadequate health care. I do not feel it is your problem and don't want to force you to help care for them. It is a source of worry, concern and grief for any of us to see people we care about suffering. There are charitable causes that help, but the problems with health care are larger than these charities can handle by themselves. I would like to see some kind of reform, but not one that is going to steer us down a path of socialism or cost taxpayers so much that we become indentured servants to the government. I believe that there would probably be more funds available for providing affordable health care to LEGAL American Citizens and Residents if we changed our budget priorities. See, I can say this without yelling at a town hall meeting. Most people could listen without turning red and shouting an angry knee jerk reply. Why all the hostility we see in the media?

How To Infiltrate A Right Wing Rally

For starters, just be yourself. Just dress the way you normally do, and just act the way you normally do. If attending one of their outdoor rallies, bring a lawn chair, dress casual and brace yourself. Look around you. You will soon realize that these are the same people you work with, go to school with, go to church with. You encounter these people in the stores, parks and almost everywhere else you might go. They usually don't force their opinion on you, but don't ask them what they think unless you really want to know. If you are squeamish over obvious displays of patriotism, you'll have to overlook the enthusiastic applause and cheers. These are particularly noticeable after the Pledge of Allegiance , the National Anthem or a show of appreciation for our Veterans. You might wonder how there could be so many of them. It might not have ever occurred to you that just because you don't see them on the main stream media, does not mean that they are not there, somewher

Glenn Beck is dangerous!

Well at least dangerous to my computer. I try to catch his program every day as circumstances will allow. Anyone who has seen his show knows that at times it can be riveting . He has guests like most talk shows do that are experts on a topic or have had an experience that is relevant to the subject showcased at that moment. My problem began when I tried to check his facts or find out more about the guests on his program. I had been using McAfee computer protection on my computer. "Had been using" in the past tense should give you a clue. After leaving the Glenn Beck website, I went surfing on the Internet for other sources that might confirm the contents of his program. I am careful not to go to "strange" sites and clicked on one that seemed legitimate, and of course near the top of the search results list. Wow, it infected my computer so fast and so severely, even McAfee could not protect me. It locked up the computer so bad, all I could do was go into the boot

What if the Czars were all secretly Socialist?

How would we know? Would it be by the groups we find them associated with? Would it be by the things they say that are in keeping with those groups? What if we had no concrete evidence, but just circumstantial evidence? Perhaps we should just wait for the death of a Constitutionally minded America. I mean, its hard to accuse a group of something if they have not fully succeeded. Of course by then who would bother with it or even be allowed to determine that they are in fact what we were fearful of them being all along. Please Obama, eliminate all your Czars. The fewer Czars you need, maybe the more trust Americans will have in your actions. I want a country that is united despite our differences. You have polarized us. As far as I am concerned, our country is being run by your growing army of S. S. Czarstopos . (Secretly Socialist Czarstopos ).

Van Jones: Boo Hoo, They Told The Truth

In other words it was a vicious smear campaign. I don't care what a persons political views are, but this is ridiculous. Stand behind your life's actions or apologize for them. It really shows just how shallow or immature a person is to think they can do whatever they want their whole lives and not be held accountable for those words and actions. God forbid you bring it up and ask them to explain themselves. We have people we don't know much about in high positions of power. Czars. Even the word Czar scares me. I hope I am not the only one that does not want my life ruled by a bunch of Czarstopos! It does not matter to me which way the political wind blows, but to put people into power that do not require vetting or approval confirmation hearings or public votes is just dangerous for all of us.

Copasetic Coma Breakdown

Wow, it has taken me this long to feel like blogging. Somewhere I remember a saying from my childhood. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. I wonder how many slightly right of center people there are that have just buried their heads hoping everything will turn out ok. Maybe its time we come out from hiding. So many extremists on both sides of the issues. Is it possible to have concerns and be seen as normal? Will I be allowed to agree to disagree and not be discounted and labeled by either side? I worry that there are too many people making all the noise on both sides of the issues that are basically the kinds of people that just don't get along with anybody except carbon copies of themselves. Copasetic Coma Rehab time! LoL