
Showing posts from April, 2010

Arizona- Symptoms of Desperation

I was born and raised in Arizona. I have family that still lives there. I feel justified in writing about the latest Immigration Law and the national uproar over it. For those of you comfortable in your cities, towns, neighborhoods and just driving down the street to go to church or do shopping, put yourself in the shoes of the people that have to live in Arizona. Try to imagine seeing your American culture being erased slowly over the years and you realize you were somehow transported to Tijuana, Mexico. The news is full of innocent victims of robbery, rape, kidnapping, etc. You are afraid to go out at night. The problems are real, the fear is justified. So, should the Arizonians just give up and turn over their portion of America over to illegals just so you don't have to be inconvenienced or bothered with solving this problem? Its not going to go away. It is spreading and it is coming to a neighborhood near you. Let me tell you about Arizonians. They are not going to let their s

Part Time Americans - Full Time Hornets

I have been sifting through the Health Care Bill. Giving my eyes a moment to uncross themselves a thought came to me. All throughout the Bill are references to full time employees. The requirement for employers to provide coverage to full time employees and their families. Also the requirements for all Americans to get coverage. There are provisions for those making under a set amount in income to recieve credit from the government to aid in the purchase of the health insurance, but few people will be exempt from it. Would it be a shock to us, if businesses large and small simply reduced the hours of their employees to no longer have as many "full time" employees as they had, and add to their ranks a larger pool of "part time" employees? That would get businesses off the hook. What about the workers? If you think times are bad now with high unemployment, wait to see what they are like when the hard working back bone of society is reduced to part time employment. The