Glenn Beck is dangerous!

Well at least dangerous to my computer. I try to catch his program every day as circumstances will allow. Anyone who has seen his show knows that at times it can be riveting. He has guests like most talk shows do that are experts on a topic or have had an experience that is relevant to the subject showcased at that moment. My problem began when I tried to check his facts or find out more about the guests on his program. I had been using McAfee computer protection on my computer. "Had been using" in the past tense should give you a clue.

After leaving the Glenn Beck website, I went surfing on the Internet for other sources that might confirm the contents of his program. I am careful not to go to "strange" sites and clicked on one that seemed legitimate, and of course near the top of the search results list. Wow, it infected my computer so fast and so severely, even McAfee could not protect me. It locked up the computer so bad, all I could do was go into the boot up/restore area and the only thing that worked there was to reset to original factory install. Lost everything. So now I have new computer protection AND a backup service all in one.

These are politically tense times. I am not going to go neurotic and claim the extreme leftists did it to me, or that there is an evil government scheme to destroy computers being used to research subjects in hot dispute. I did this to me. I did not have adequate protection and I should have been more selective on what sites I visited. Please make sure you have a good program that will actually protect your computer instead of just claiming that it does, and of course backup, backup backup. Take care.


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