How To Infiltrate A Right Wing Rally

For starters, just be yourself. Just dress the way you normally do, and just act the way you normally do. If attending one of their outdoor rallies, bring a lawn chair, dress casual and brace yourself.

Look around you. You will soon realize that these are the same people you work with, go to school with, go to church with. You encounter these people in the stores, parks and almost everywhere else you might go. They usually don't force their opinion on you, but don't ask them what they think unless you really want to know. If you are squeamish over obvious displays of patriotism, you'll have to overlook the enthusiastic applause and cheers. These are particularly noticeable after the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem or a show of appreciation for our Veterans.

You might wonder how there could be so many of them. It might not have ever occurred to you that just because you don't see them on the main stream media, does not mean that they are not there, somewhere, everywhere. I don't want to offend, but there is a real possibility that people like this are in your own family. Maybe you have friends like this that are just reluctant to let you know what they really are, patriotic, rational and just as concerned as you about the future of our country.

You see, I went to a rally recently in Roswell, GA. The event was part of "The 9/12 Project". I wanted to see for myself if the media had been representing them fairly. I encountered the most well behaved group I have ever been with. Talk radio host, syndicated columnist and Fox News commentator Herman Cain was there and put on an outstanding show. If you want help understanding President Obama's health care plan, Mr. Herman Cain is a great place to start. Check out his website at:

Mr. Cain is lightening rod for exciting a crowd. Not that you can blame them for venting a bit when they do get together. After all, where else are they going to get validation for their principles and beliefs. Not from the media, that's for sure. Not in the current White House Administration either. They are constantly dismissed as irrelevant. Really? Well, this irrelevant group just grew in size by one. Me. I guess I am just not good at "infiltration". Actually, I felt at home with this group. They were moms, dads, and grandparents from all walks of life. Democrats, Republicans and Independents there too. All united for a common cause. America.


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