What if the Czars were all secretly Socialist?

How would we know? Would it be by the groups we find them associated with? Would it be by the things they say that are in keeping with those groups? What if we had no concrete evidence, but just circumstantial evidence? Perhaps we should just wait for the death of a Constitutionally minded America. I mean, its hard to accuse a group of something if they have not fully succeeded. Of course by then who would bother with it or even be allowed to determine that they are in fact what we were fearful of them being all along. Please Obama, eliminate all your Czars. The fewer Czars you need, maybe the more trust Americans will have in your actions. I want a country that is united despite our differences. You have polarized us. As far as I am concerned, our country is being run by your growing army of S. S. Czarstopos. (Secretly Socialist Czarstopos).


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