President Obama and the Magic Eye

Remember not long ago there was a fascination with "Magic Eye" pictures? I admit it took me a long time before I learned to actually see what was hidden in those pictures. At first I was almost convinced that there wasn't anything actually there. I suspected that it was some elaborate hoax and I for one did not want to be duped. Now that our young tender President has somehow managed to win the highly honored Nobel Peace Prize, I can't help but wonder what does the Norwegian Nobel Committee see in our President that I am missing.

Whatever it is they see in him, I would like to see it too. I could just stare at his picture and hope that special enlightenment would come to me. That should be easy to do. You see his face everywhere. I would certainly have ample opportunity to gaze into his face til my eyes glazed over. Maybe I would see the "Magic" that so many people have been smitten with. I could listen to his speeches. So many speeches to choose from where do I begin? I would consider myself lucky indeed if somebody would give me an iPod their not using that already has all his speeches downloaded to it. I could sleep on it while it droned on, over and over til I could quote President Obama chapter and verse. Perhaps then I would see it. Sort of like in the Star Trek episode called "The Return of the Archons", where everybody was filled with the spirit of the all seeing and all knowing Landru. Followers of Landru could tell by your words and actions if your were part of the "Body" or not.

The real problem for me is that I can't actually go anywhere and see the tangible proof of his "accomplishments". We need to erect a monument to President Obama. He has done so much for so many. We could immortalize his deeds inscribed upon the walls. See, brothers and sisters, I am part of the "Body" afterall. The peace of Landru, err Obama be upon you.


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