A Teaspoon Of Sugar Makes The Medicine Go Down

Now is as good a time as any to put my own opinion into this Health Care Reform issue. I have many loved ones with inadequate health care. I do not feel it is your problem and don't want to force you to help care for them. It is a source of worry, concern and grief for any of us to see people we care about suffering. There are charitable causes that help, but the problems with health care are larger than these charities can handle by themselves. I would like to see some kind of reform, but not one that is going to steer us down a path of socialism or cost taxpayers so much that we become indentured servants to the government.

I believe that there would probably be more funds available for providing affordable health care to LEGAL American Citizens and Residents if we changed our budget priorities. See, I can say this without yelling at a town hall meeting. Most people could listen without turning red and shouting an angry knee jerk reply. Why all the hostility we see in the media? One word. RESPECT. Respect for each other's opinions, feelings, and experiences. Maybe the Democratic leaders would not have found themselves in such a tight boxed in corner if they had been a bit more respectful towards those that disagreed with them.

Thanks to the smug condescending tone that the Democrats set from the start of this debate, it has almost everybody's attention. How are you going to shove the bitter pill of Health Care Reform down so many skeptical throats now? Where's the sugar? Oh, its too late for that. How about another bitter pill looming on the horizen called Mid-Term Elections?


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