Ye shall know them by their fruits

The Dalai Lama is a warrior of gentle peace and dignity. His weapons are words. I do not understand why President Obama is putting off meeting the Dalai Lama. I do not want to speculate but can't help but see what the priority is here. China is more important. Is that a bad thing? I don't know. If I knew what my country stands for these days perhaps I would not be so confused. It seems that if the issue involves things of personal interest to President Obama, wow, right to the top of the list. If its for something that might reflect well on our nation as a whole, what we used to stand for, what we used to try to be an example of, well, sorry guys, he'll get back to us later on that. He needs to "think" some more about that. Maybe he does. Maybe he just can't figure us out. Maybe he really does not know what to do about a lot of things. At least I have the common sense how to be a proper host to such an honored guest visiting our country. About those "fruits". Maybe the President just isn't ripe enough yet.


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