The Camel's Nose

To torture or not to torture. This subject just makes my stomach turn. Things I'd rather not know about does not excuse me from the responsibilty to decide where I stand on it. Is there anybody else wrestling with this beside me? So many people put themselves on the line and at least take a stand on this issue. Right or wrong I have to admire their courage. I think I suffer a bit from a double standard. It might be noble to make a proclamation that one is against torture. It might be humane to classify waterboarding as torture. I know the enemies of this country will do all forms of evil against us if given the chance. I also know I want to be protected from these monsters. Its just that camel's nose I worry about. Once the camel's nose is in the tent, the rest of the camel is sure to follow. It could be said that it is a long journey to go from standard accepted interrogation techniques to full fledge torture and everything in between. But isn't there also a saying about how a long journey begins with a first single step? Copasetic Coma time!


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