Clemency for Clemens

What kind of a man sells out his wife? What kind of a wife lets a man that is not her husband into her bedroom without her husband’s knowledge to inject her stomach with HGH? Just because we don’t understand these behaviors does not mean that there were not dire reasons for them or that they did not happen as claimed. It might have dawned on the Clemens by now that these types of things tend to freak most people out. Were they ever in touch with main stream opinions and behaviors or just slowly erode their standards to a point that they no longer resemble the people they started out as.? I think the Clemens are good people that may have lost their way just a bit. People with fame and fortune tend to attract people that leech off of them. These same leech type employees of the rich and famous will often ingratiate themselves to their rich and famous bosses in ways that are not always in the best interest of everyone concerned. They were all consenting adults to the situations they placed themselves into. They will all bear a portion of the shame. Is it right to take the word of somebody who has lied and admitted to lying? I don't think so. Mr. McNamee might very effectively lament his predicament, but he is his own worst enemy and rightfully should be his own worst victim. When my daughters were pre-teenagers there might have been a moment or two that I might have heard them suggest to me that a situation we were dealing with “was not fair!”. I remember saying on one of these occasions that they were right. Life is not a baseball game and I am not the umpire. Mr. McNamee, life is not fair, this was more important than a baseball game and its too late for you to act like the umpire now. Mr. and Mrs. Clemens made decisions that had an element of risk to them. When we make these choices none of us have guarantees that it won't backfire on us. Right or wrong, the risk they took for their actions had undesireable consequences. If Mr. Clemens feels like he is a victim of a hit and run opportunist, well maybe he should not have been playing in the street.


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