
I watched an interesting show last night about the possibility of genetically engineering a dinosaur. I don't knock the important research, but I wonder about the end results. It might be interesting to have a live dinosaur to study, but is it necessary? Maybe I am jumping to conclusions but I can't help but envision a future where Mr. Moneybags is not content with his fast car, big house and vicious guard dogs. He will get his hands on a dinosaur, chain it up and just be the same nuisance to society he was but just on a grander scale. Pity the police officers called to the home to notify the owner of this dinosaur that it was roaring too loud, too late at night. Maybe there needs to be legislation to ensure that only research facilities are allowed to own one. I am not sure how hard it is to qualify as a research facility but somewhere in that mix it is bound to happen that the dinosaur will be taught to perform on command to the delight of the crowds all for a good cause of course (to help fund the research and increase public awareness). We are having a difficult time as it is just protecting the animals on planet earth now. Do we really need more?


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