Huckabee is right

Huckabee is right at least regarding the votes in the state of Washington. The Washington State Republican Party Chairman Luke Esser called the election as going to McCain with only a little over 87% of the precincts reporting. McCain's 25% to Huckabee's 23% was just too slim of a margin. I am not a mathematician, but even I can see that is just too close to call. Oops Mr. Esser. I think this calls for a recount don't you? I don't think Mr. Esser meant anything underhanded by what he did, but a speedy fix is in order. Mr. Esser can still redeem himself by what he says and does in the next few days. I would like to think that Mr. Esser would just naturally feel obliged to fix things, but the stakes are so high. I hope he understands the necessity for Governor Huckabee to make sure he does.


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