Rock, Paper or Scissors?

This childs game could be used to describe the major 3 presidential candidates that are left in the race for '08. I came to this conclusion today after listening to the news analyze the latest polls. Could Sen. McCain beat one of the Democratic candidates easier than the other one? I think so. Does one of the Democratic candidates have a better chance of beating Sen. McCain? Probably. The problem is that no matter which angle you look at, all three seem to have strengths that cannot be easily ignored and weaknesses that are not easily dismissed. Some people will vote 'for' the strengths, and some people will vote 'against' the weakness. I wonder if these people could also be the types that see a glass of water as "half full" (voting for a perceived strength) or the types that see a glass as "half empty" (voting against a perceived weakness). So how does someone like me vote? I see the glass as "too big"! Copasetic Coma time!


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